defense data network
Defense Data Network

(DDN) A global communications network serving the US
Department of Defense. Composed of MILNET, other portions
of the Internet, and classified networks which are not part
of the Internet. The DDN is used to connect military
installations and is managed by the {Defense Information
Systems Agency}.

podobné slovodefinícia
defense data network
Defense Data Network

(DDN) A global communications network serving the US
Department of Defense. Composed of MILNET, other portions
of the Internet, and classified networks which are not part
of the Internet. The DDN is used to connect military
installations and is managed by the {Defense Information
Systems Agency}.

defense data network network information center
Defense Data Network Network Information Center

(DDN NIC or just "The NIC") The DDN NIC's primary
responsibility is the assignment of Internet addresses and
Autonomous System numbers, the administration of the root
domain, and providing information and support services to the
DDN. It is also a primary repository for RFCs.

See also Internet Registry.


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